Grendel         The first wickedness after I have been lurking promotion Herot, I make my first raid, creeping luridly into the mead-hall, slaughtering 30 men, and carrying their bloody bodies off to my lair. Hothgar and his Danes mourn sorrowfully for the shoemakers lasts of their kinsmen. The next iniquity I come again, killing and eating all the Danes in Herot who do not flee from the mead-hall. Herot is left empty for cardinal years. King Hothgar and his people are left to grieve everywhere the triumph of my evilness. I do not dare to establish Hothgars throne though it is protected by God.         The warriors among the Danes debate manageable solutions, and make pagan vows, hoping for anything to stop my massacres on his men in Herot. Beowulf expresses his desire to destroy me k immediatelyn by all, and I roleplay him to my lair to be destroyed like his cowardly Danes. Beowulf and I, promptly call to battle by the power o f King Hothgar, because of our be strength and thirst for vengeance. Beowulf thinks he can defeat me with no weapons as Ive done to his men.         And if remnant does take me, send the devise Mail of my armor to Higlac, return the inheritance I had from Hrethel, and he from Wayland. Fate will unwind as it must!

 -Beowulf-         I have been defeated by the strong hearted man Beowulf, in his bloody vengeance over me. ( His wide journey jeopardise to Herot to behold the physical evidence of my struggle.) Unsympathetic over the death of I, Grendel. Gaped with no sense of sorrow, felt no regret for his suffering, went su! bscribe his bloody footprints, his beaten and lonely flight, to the edge if the lake where hed dragged his corpselike way, doomed and go away of his vanishing life Â. If you want to get a full essay, chain armor it on our website:
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